Recruit School

What is Recruit School here at Hudson Fire?

We are currently looking to fill four vacancies.  Our next recruit school for those hired to fill these spots will begin on July 8th.

Here at Hudson Fire we provide you with a robust five week program which will help you build off of the skills you've already acquired while you are acclimated to what will be expected of you as a member of the department.

Whether this is your first experience as a part of a full time department or you are transferring from another department, you will benefit from this time before going on shift.  You'll be instructed by various members from within the department who have a passion for teaching the particular areas assigned.

Upon the conclusion of the program, we celebrate your achievement with a graduation ceremony attended by members of the department along with family and friends in attendance.

After that, you will report to work on your assigned shift and begin your regular schedule.

You can expect the following as part of this program:

  • Daily PT to strengthen your body and mind
  • Expectations
  • Auto Extrication
  • EMS Scenarios and Skills
  • Nozzles and Streams
  • Water Supply
  • Driver/Operator
  • Live Fire Training
  • Technical Rescue
  • Forcible Entry
  • Ventilation
  • Mayday/RIT

Our team provides a rich learning environment where you can continuously grow and develop.  You can expand your skills, acquire new knowledge and learn from one another's experiences.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Firefighters in various stages of work - spraying water, exercising, forcing entry and pulling rope
Firefighters in various stages of work - running, working on EMS manikins, lifting a cement pipe
Firefighters in various stages of work - cutting open a car, cutting a garage door, flames in a building and firefighters gather